Test Of The Game: Gran Turismo 5
Never will a game generated so much turmoil, rumors, impatience, despair itself. Polyphony Digital , led by Kazunori Yamauchi , car enthusiast and a perfectionist to the extreme, tried to calm the rush of fans to blow demos like Gran Turismo HD (released in conjunction with the PlayStation 3), or Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. The videos and pictures also rocket, and the least we can say is that all this has whetted your mouth.
We no longer believed in the many reports of the release of the game have a lot to. But the wait is now over, it's there!
So the promises were they held? Do we have announced the masterpiece? The arrival of the damage on vehicles is it up to the expectations of fans? Let's go to the shop to see if Gran Turismo 5 takes the road as well as what Kaz suggested.
What Ben is just a car game, right?
Your family often had to make that point you to your excitement for this game even they must be relieved it is finally released. Indeed, how many of you have avenged driving their own cars, starting with a bang at the red light, by pasting the vehicle in front to find the desire to pass him on a fast track limited to 90, or by taking turns at the rope in the city while missing the dog to mow the poor granny who hoped that you would leave quietly cross the road?
Now that your points on your license has melted, you will be able express your talent of experienced driver on your screen, without risk to pedestrians.
But before discovering all Gran Turismo 5 in detail, little wake-up call about the history of the saga. Of course, I does not question your gaming culture, but we may be players who formerly hermits and only now discovering the joys of modern life (reality TV, politics, fast food and other pleasures). While hermits friends or curious of all kinds, especially the suite is for you.
Gran Turismo appears for the first time in December 1997 in Japan and in May 1998 in the world of PlayStation. It calls itself "The Real Driving Simulator" - The Realistic Driving Simulator.
At the time, it is the effect of a bombshell. Indeed, with a few car games more than the behavior or the wacky graphics unbearable for anyone with vision and a minimum of good taste, fans had little speed to put in their mouths , except perhaps in the Sega Rally arcade, but unless you are from a family of showmen, difficult to have an arcade as often as desired.
The game of Polyphony Digital, a unit of Sony, upsetting all the codes with a level of realism never seen before. The number of cars is astronomical, the circuits a little less, but everything is there for the player to feel overwhelmed: as in real life, you have to spend a few tests to get his first license, allowing us to move the heat rubber on the track.
Tests won then allow you to increase the capacity of your vehicle giving you the opportunity to get their hands dirty: almost everything can be changed, tires, exhaust system, through the frame of the car, since you had the ability to lighten even more and gain a few microseconds, often synonymous with victory in the face of tough opponents fairly.
The sensations of speed, the beauty of the game (certainly beyond today ' Today, but actually over the lot for the time), the vast range of vehicles available and especially realism pushed to the extreme of Gran Turismo have more than just a car game: a reference.
PlayStation 3 gamers were able to calm their impatience with Gran Turismo HD Concept, free demo released in conjunction with the console in March 2007. This appetizer was both tantalizing and frustrating: one circuit available, but of great beauty (one plot in the Swiss Alps, looking like a postcard), twenty playable vehicles and only two modes of play, but s With regard to a demonstration, it is true that we did not expect more content. This album marks the arrival of the Ferrari license, is significant.A year later, in March 2008, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue arrives in Europe. This was a big bet on the palate, midway between the demo and the full game, better off in terms of circuits, and test cars.
Since then, rumors have continued to about the new influx accompanying Gran Turismo 5: NASCAR license, a Premium range of vehicles, a multiplayer mode, a cockpit view, a track editor, day-night transition, changing climatic conditions, especially damage body.
By car, siphon
Santa Gran Turismo 5 arrives with a heavy hood that looks good at first glance: 1031 vehicles, no less! That's the gift! The eyes are amazed at such a plethora of mechanical monsters! For cons, the nose is not the same opinion as his two top henchmen: he feels the scam!
And think about it, actually, there is heated in the hood: only about 200 cars are actually new. The rest comes from the older versions of the saga, and for the transition to high definition, they were not even made up like stolen cars (sorry, I had the place, the opportunity was too good) but hardly smoothed. And to top it off, they are deprived of the new cockpit view and damage, the range reserved for Premium.
Another black: Standard full range is listed in the "Opportunities", then it will peel a rather austere list to find your happiness, instead of going directly to the dealer. Frustrating, especially since vehicles will not all be available from the start.
But the presence of two superstars of supercars, Ferrari and Lamborghini, who last tread channels Gran Turismo, (even if the prancing horse brand has made a small appearance in the Prologue version), will be enough to overshadow this classification quite confusing.
And it is necessary to emphasize that the work done on vehicles Premium is a breathtaking quality. Everything is there, counter to the faithful to the original gear knob, to the onboard computer Bluffing. It lacks the small tree in smelly mirror! Sure, see the volume controls the radio will not be of much use at full speed, but able to read the information about the tire or the gas gauge will be essential if you want to end up in head.
You will go to the preparer to inflate the capabilities of your car. For this, a wide range of improvements available to you. This aspect of the game does not have great news for the regulars, one remains in the very classic.
Note also small as the new kart racing or Combi Volkswagen among others, but this does not constitute a revolution, given the very limited number of races where they are used.
Your penalty will not be huge
the damage body have long been demanded by fans of the game Polyphony Digital includes the last in this edition, but it will probably not meet expectations: indeed, only the Premium is concerned by this innovation, for other vehicles will require ironing.
So will you be able to fly your car to pieces or to drop the bumper of your competitors?
Not really. Even far away, indeed. The only damage you'll be limited to scratches or small dents in the bodywork. Certainly, fans of Gran Turismo are not looking for a game in the tradition of Destruction Derby or Need for Speed, but they clearly expected a more dramatic result, more realistic. The "Real Driving Simulator" is ultimately not as real as what we expected.
The realism of the title is also initiated by the behavior of your opponents: they all follow the same route, grouped in a bunch too homogeneous, and will not hesitate to crush the slightest impact. Rather confusing, even if Polyphony has accustomed us to this AI too good since the first episode. The most beautiful car games? Thing predictable from the quality of the videos before the release of the game, Gran Turismo 5 is splendid, even very photo-realistic. Reflections on the body are always impressive, the bitumen is perfectly modeled, and the sets look like anything but virtual. Only the audience will put the red flag to the neophyte believing watch a real race car, as their behavior fanatic excited but partially paralyzed (terrible disease, do not smile) will be suspect. Deception also in standard vehicles, on which be noted that the work done was much less intense than the Premium. The trained eye will immediately see the aliasing on the bodies of cars, and no need to be expert in the field only to find that the shadows are anything but natural: the aliasing which defines the contours of the latter is completely unworthy of a title while focusing on realism. We consoled with the day-night transitions perfectly transcribed or climate change. All this is new to those who have known that this simulation automobile, and those who have tasted a title such as Formula One will be at once that rain is far from achieving the level of quality that the PlayStation 3 is able to provide: the drops entering the windshield are more aspects of the water mist.
This leaves a sense of unfinished business, and one wonders how the end was put to good use the extra time granted Polyphony Digital has always delaying their flagship title. They have, perhaps against their will, set the bar high, very high, and even if Gran Turismo 5 is far removed from being ugly, was expected perfection. Of course, it does not exist, but by dint of having promised, and it was well expected. Let the GPS in the glove box, I know the road side channels; the list goes on first glance: they reach the jubilant number of 71. But the euphoria was short-lived: many are just variations on a main route, sometimes backwards, sometimes slightly modified. And do not expect to survey 71 tracks completely unprecedented: many are from previous versions of Gran Turismo .
Nonetheless recognize that the circuits in the city are amazing, so much so that we sometimes want to park on the down side to admire the sun setting on a dreamlike setting.
Also new, but aimed at a discerning public: the presence of Nascar, racing competitors who see compete on oval tracks with crazy Americans, and the circuit using test track in Stig , highly skilled driver officiating in a British TV show considered the best in the world auto show: Top Gear .
The most inventive of you could barely wait to the idea of creating their own path through the track editor, but disillusioned rapidly since the freedom offered by this mode is as great as that afforded by a North Korean dictator to independent journalists. Only the number of servings, climate, time and direction of flow is adjustable. On portions, you will have a choice of windings rather limited. Enough damage, the idea was good.
Warranty of 3 months or 1 million miles
the life of Gran Turismo 5 will only depend on yourself : either you get tired after a few months to release permits that do not ultimately of great interest to the pleasure game, if not learn the basics of driving novices, or your addiction will be huge and you will not go out of your console only for the next volume of the saga.
Paradoxical when we see the number of events or championships available. But unless you are fanatical, walking the same channels dozens of times, even with different vehicles every time, in order to glean some unfortunate hundredths of a second to win the first place can be boring after a while.
Apart from the Arcade mode and mulit-player, in the classic career mode, dubbed by GT-Life, two types of game are present: A-Spec and B-Spec. The first one will be used by those who want to exercise their driving skills, while the second mode will put you in the shoes of a team manager. Do not expect something very engaging and addictive, since you just give orders (to the very limited number) for the race for your driver. Nothing is enjoyable, but effective to gain credits quickly and easily.
Rally mode, that showcases the skids, is, as usual in Gran Turismo, unrealistic, even if the tracks are perfectly reproduced. While this is not the primary purpose of the game, but finally we would have liked to live sensation closer to reality. Small consolation: ou can challenge Sébastien Loeb in a proof more difficult.
A level system is emerging in the fifth episode. As to the races and events permit, you will earn points, necessary to the next level. This will unlock access to certain permits or championships, but not limited to: many vehicles will be impossible to buy without having reached a certain stage. Credits, currency used in Gran Turismo, will no longer suffice.
If you really want to increase the life span, and if you can afford (the real ones, not those of the game!) will permit, be equipped with a steering wheel will give you the impression that you do not play the same game. The driving experience it has multifaceted, and how to drive is completely different. One feels here the effects of collaboration with Sebastian Vettel: youngest F1 champion in history served as tester and guinea pig to the team of Kazunori Yamauchi.
And if by chance you are part of the circle of friends of a certain lady of advanced age at the head of a cosmetics empire a little senile, take advantage of his generosity in addition to adding a 3D display to your equipment player. With all that, you may not take off your head (for that matter, make the most of all because the poor lady cannot say no!). This is where it is fully realized that Polyphony Digital has the package to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Unfortunately, this requires a substantial budget if you want to take to a professional pilot.
The on-line mode, up to 16 players, increases service life and offers the opportunity to rub shoulders with opponents from around the world. Attendance at shows is high, but access is not easy: it is quickly lost to a few intuitive menu, and some bugs are to be deplored for the time being. Hopefully an update will fix it all soon.
After years of waiting, to scan past all the videos and images flooding the fabric of the game, Gran Turismo 5 arrives in concession with its share of good and bad surprises. It is probably the best racing simulator now, although some disappointments, such as management of the damage, just fill in the table. If you love beautiful things, stunning graphics, and devilish face competition pilots from around the world, it is well worth a visit: for the price of a tank of gas, you will offer over 1000 vehicles.
Never will a game generated so much turmoil, rumors, impatience, despair itself. Polyphony Digital , led by Kazunori Yamauchi , car enthusiast and a perfectionist to the extreme, tried to calm the rush of fans to blow demos like Gran Turismo HD (released in conjunction with the PlayStation 3), or Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. The videos and pictures also rocket, and the least we can say is that all this has whetted your mouth.
We no longer believed in the many reports of the release of the game have a lot to. But the wait is now over, it's there!
So the promises were they held? Do we have announced the masterpiece? The arrival of the damage on vehicles is it up to the expectations of fans? Let's go to the shop to see if Gran Turismo 5 takes the road as well as what Kaz suggested.
What Ben is just a car game, right?
Your family often had to make that point you to your excitement for this game even they must be relieved it is finally released. Indeed, how many of you have avenged driving their own cars, starting with a bang at the red light, by pasting the vehicle in front to find the desire to pass him on a fast track limited to 90, or by taking turns at the rope in the city while missing the dog to mow the poor granny who hoped that you would leave quietly cross the road?
Now that your points on your license has melted, you will be able express your talent of experienced driver on your screen, without risk to pedestrians.
But before discovering all Gran Turismo 5 in detail, little wake-up call about the history of the saga. Of course, I does not question your gaming culture, but we may be players who formerly hermits and only now discovering the joys of modern life (reality TV, politics, fast food and other pleasures). While hermits friends or curious of all kinds, especially the suite is for you.
Gran Turismo appears for the first time in December 1997 in Japan and in May 1998 in the world of PlayStation. It calls itself "The Real Driving Simulator" - The Realistic Driving Simulator.
At the time, it is the effect of a bombshell. Indeed, with a few car games more than the behavior or the wacky graphics unbearable for anyone with vision and a minimum of good taste, fans had little speed to put in their mouths , except perhaps in the Sega Rally arcade, but unless you are from a family of showmen, difficult to have an arcade as often as desired.
The game of Polyphony Digital, a unit of Sony, upsetting all the codes with a level of realism never seen before. The number of cars is astronomical, the circuits a little less, but everything is there for the player to feel overwhelmed: as in real life, you have to spend a few tests to get his first license, allowing us to move the heat rubber on the track.
Tests won then allow you to increase the capacity of your vehicle giving you the opportunity to get their hands dirty: almost everything can be changed, tires, exhaust system, through the frame of the car, since you had the ability to lighten even more and gain a few microseconds, often synonymous with victory in the face of tough opponents fairly.
The sensations of speed, the beauty of the game (certainly beyond today ' Today, but actually over the lot for the time), the vast range of vehicles available and especially realism pushed to the extreme of Gran Turismo have more than just a car game: a reference.
PlayStation 3 gamers were able to calm their impatience with Gran Turismo HD Concept, free demo released in conjunction with the console in March 2007. This appetizer was both tantalizing and frustrating: one circuit available, but of great beauty (one plot in the Swiss Alps, looking like a postcard), twenty playable vehicles and only two modes of play, but s With regard to a demonstration, it is true that we did not expect more content. This album marks the arrival of the Ferrari license, is significant.A year later, in March 2008, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue arrives in Europe. This was a big bet on the palate, midway between the demo and the full game, better off in terms of circuits, and test cars.
Since then, rumors have continued to about the new influx accompanying Gran Turismo 5: NASCAR license, a Premium range of vehicles, a multiplayer mode, a cockpit view, a track editor, day-night transition, changing climatic conditions, especially damage body.
By car, siphon
Santa Gran Turismo 5 arrives with a heavy hood that looks good at first glance: 1031 vehicles, no less! That's the gift! The eyes are amazed at such a plethora of mechanical monsters! For cons, the nose is not the same opinion as his two top henchmen: he feels the scam!
And think about it, actually, there is heated in the hood: only about 200 cars are actually new. The rest comes from the older versions of the saga, and for the transition to high definition, they were not even made up like stolen cars (sorry, I had the place, the opportunity was too good) but hardly smoothed. And to top it off, they are deprived of the new cockpit view and damage, the range reserved for Premium.
Another black: Standard full range is listed in the "Opportunities", then it will peel a rather austere list to find your happiness, instead of going directly to the dealer. Frustrating, especially since vehicles will not all be available from the start.
But the presence of two superstars of supercars, Ferrari and Lamborghini, who last tread channels Gran Turismo, (even if the prancing horse brand has made a small appearance in the Prologue version), will be enough to overshadow this classification quite confusing.
And it is necessary to emphasize that the work done on vehicles Premium is a breathtaking quality. Everything is there, counter to the faithful to the original gear knob, to the onboard computer Bluffing. It lacks the small tree in smelly mirror! Sure, see the volume controls the radio will not be of much use at full speed, but able to read the information about the tire or the gas gauge will be essential if you want to end up in head.
You will go to the preparer to inflate the capabilities of your car. For this, a wide range of improvements available to you. This aspect of the game does not have great news for the regulars, one remains in the very classic.
Note also small as the new kart racing or Combi Volkswagen among others, but this does not constitute a revolution, given the very limited number of races where they are used.
Your penalty will not be huge
the damage body have long been demanded by fans of the game Polyphony Digital includes the last in this edition, but it will probably not meet expectations: indeed, only the Premium is concerned by this innovation, for other vehicles will require ironing.
So will you be able to fly your car to pieces or to drop the bumper of your competitors?
Not really. Even far away, indeed. The only damage you'll be limited to scratches or small dents in the bodywork. Certainly, fans of Gran Turismo are not looking for a game in the tradition of Destruction Derby or Need for Speed, but they clearly expected a more dramatic result, more realistic. The "Real Driving Simulator" is ultimately not as real as what we expected.
The realism of the title is also initiated by the behavior of your opponents: they all follow the same route, grouped in a bunch too homogeneous, and will not hesitate to crush the slightest impact. Rather confusing, even if Polyphony has accustomed us to this AI too good since the first episode. The most beautiful car games? Thing predictable from the quality of the videos before the release of the game, Gran Turismo 5 is splendid, even very photo-realistic. Reflections on the body are always impressive, the bitumen is perfectly modeled, and the sets look like anything but virtual. Only the audience will put the red flag to the neophyte believing watch a real race car, as their behavior fanatic excited but partially paralyzed (terrible disease, do not smile) will be suspect. Deception also in standard vehicles, on which be noted that the work done was much less intense than the Premium. The trained eye will immediately see the aliasing on the bodies of cars, and no need to be expert in the field only to find that the shadows are anything but natural: the aliasing which defines the contours of the latter is completely unworthy of a title while focusing on realism. We consoled with the day-night transitions perfectly transcribed or climate change. All this is new to those who have known that this simulation automobile, and those who have tasted a title such as Formula One will be at once that rain is far from achieving the level of quality that the PlayStation 3 is able to provide: the drops entering the windshield are more aspects of the water mist.
This leaves a sense of unfinished business, and one wonders how the end was put to good use the extra time granted Polyphony Digital has always delaying their flagship title. They have, perhaps against their will, set the bar high, very high, and even if Gran Turismo 5 is far removed from being ugly, was expected perfection. Of course, it does not exist, but by dint of having promised, and it was well expected. Let the GPS in the glove box, I know the road side channels; the list goes on first glance: they reach the jubilant number of 71. But the euphoria was short-lived: many are just variations on a main route, sometimes backwards, sometimes slightly modified. And do not expect to survey 71 tracks completely unprecedented: many are from previous versions of Gran Turismo .
Nonetheless recognize that the circuits in the city are amazing, so much so that we sometimes want to park on the down side to admire the sun setting on a dreamlike setting.
Also new, but aimed at a discerning public: the presence of Nascar, racing competitors who see compete on oval tracks with crazy Americans, and the circuit using test track in Stig , highly skilled driver officiating in a British TV show considered the best in the world auto show: Top Gear .
The most inventive of you could barely wait to the idea of creating their own path through the track editor, but disillusioned rapidly since the freedom offered by this mode is as great as that afforded by a North Korean dictator to independent journalists. Only the number of servings, climate, time and direction of flow is adjustable. On portions, you will have a choice of windings rather limited. Enough damage, the idea was good.
Warranty of 3 months or 1 million miles
the life of Gran Turismo 5 will only depend on yourself : either you get tired after a few months to release permits that do not ultimately of great interest to the pleasure game, if not learn the basics of driving novices, or your addiction will be huge and you will not go out of your console only for the next volume of the saga.
Paradoxical when we see the number of events or championships available. But unless you are fanatical, walking the same channels dozens of times, even with different vehicles every time, in order to glean some unfortunate hundredths of a second to win the first place can be boring after a while.
Apart from the Arcade mode and mulit-player, in the classic career mode, dubbed by GT-Life, two types of game are present: A-Spec and B-Spec. The first one will be used by those who want to exercise their driving skills, while the second mode will put you in the shoes of a team manager. Do not expect something very engaging and addictive, since you just give orders (to the very limited number) for the race for your driver. Nothing is enjoyable, but effective to gain credits quickly and easily.
Rally mode, that showcases the skids, is, as usual in Gran Turismo, unrealistic, even if the tracks are perfectly reproduced. While this is not the primary purpose of the game, but finally we would have liked to live sensation closer to reality. Small consolation: ou can challenge Sébastien Loeb in a proof more difficult.
A level system is emerging in the fifth episode. As to the races and events permit, you will earn points, necessary to the next level. This will unlock access to certain permits or championships, but not limited to: many vehicles will be impossible to buy without having reached a certain stage. Credits, currency used in Gran Turismo, will no longer suffice.
If you really want to increase the life span, and if you can afford (the real ones, not those of the game!) will permit, be equipped with a steering wheel will give you the impression that you do not play the same game. The driving experience it has multifaceted, and how to drive is completely different. One feels here the effects of collaboration with Sebastian Vettel: youngest F1 champion in history served as tester and guinea pig to the team of Kazunori Yamauchi.
And if by chance you are part of the circle of friends of a certain lady of advanced age at the head of a cosmetics empire a little senile, take advantage of his generosity in addition to adding a 3D display to your equipment player. With all that, you may not take off your head (for that matter, make the most of all because the poor lady cannot say no!). This is where it is fully realized that Polyphony Digital has the package to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Unfortunately, this requires a substantial budget if you want to take to a professional pilot.
The on-line mode, up to 16 players, increases service life and offers the opportunity to rub shoulders with opponents from around the world. Attendance at shows is high, but access is not easy: it is quickly lost to a few intuitive menu, and some bugs are to be deplored for the time being. Hopefully an update will fix it all soon.
After years of waiting, to scan past all the videos and images flooding the fabric of the game, Gran Turismo 5 arrives in concession with its share of good and bad surprises. It is probably the best racing simulator now, although some disappointments, such as management of the damage, just fill in the table. If you love beautiful things, stunning graphics, and devilish face competition pilots from around the world, it is well worth a visit: for the price of a tank of gas, you will offer over 1000 vehicles.
- No more waiting, it's finally here!
- Beautiful graphics, cool locations of fleet
- Ferrari and Lamborghini!
- Perfectly reproduced cockpit view for the Premium
- Multi-player busy
- Life unlimited
- Number of events and tours
Aliasing on shadows and standard vehicles Fashion Rally Kart or unrealistic Management very limited damage cars Standard little developed, or to oblivion in the "occasions" Too many Japanese cars (or not enough cars Western at you) may be redundant for novices
I loved the first Gran Turismo, but I have never been tempted to return to more of the same - arcade racing game, just more of them today.
ReplyDeleter4 card
First, I decided to play GT5 one thing in mind, is the most realistic of the PD claim that it is, unfortunately, many gaming sites on this game, it's not yes it is a piece of software to put our PS3.
ReplyDeleteGrow Lamps
GT5 is only racing game series which till stands in competition with NFS. I have played only GT5 two to three times. It was not interesting as i expected and i have heard from my colleague.
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There are many games of racing. In this game the cars are very superb so I like to play this game. Sound is okay. All combination is very good.
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