Become A Millionaire in Need For Speed: The Run

Have you always dreamed of making millions but have never had any luck? Then you will probably more likely in Need For Speed: The Run !

In the next Need For Speed, leaving the Colorado does mean one thing: Take the "Million Dollar Highway". The highway of fortune after all!

But to pocket the jackpot twenty-five million dollars you have to be fearless, aggressive and brave all the dangers of the highway: steep cliffs, hairpin turns, narrow passages and other hazardous railings ...

NFS: The Run – Story Trailer

Electronic Arts has released a new trailer from Need for Speed: The Run , this time dedicated to the story of the game. Jack, the main hero is a man looking for his only chance of survival was winning a race over 3000 miles, involving crossing the United States from sunset to Sunrise, in San Francisco and New York.

For the first time in the series Need for Speed, in The Run the player will not be limited to driving cars, having the possibility of leaving the supercars, to flee or face police or to steal cars for the continuation of the race. These sequences will be achieved by means of sequence type quick time event, about 10% of curs in the game this way.
Need for Speed: The Run will be released on November 18, 2011, for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Drift Mania: A Car Game With The Android To Make Many Skids

Do all types of skids with this Android game called Drift Mania

Car Games to Android and there are many, but they are so exciting and require a special ability to drive and less. Drift Mania has been and remains one of the best titles for mobile, because as its name suggests, to do good skids will give us the win.

The thing is, Drift Mania offers several circuits, with lots of curves, where we have drifting master the art of or skids, to get points and get out of the driveway. The longer endured a Drift or less the lines that limit we tread the road, the better our score.

Of course, as an inducement will a number of cars and new circuits that can be unlocked if we finish the first race, but it's hard because you have to manage well the phone's accelerometer.

A Little Game San Francisco Rush

There is an experience layer, a stunning and wonderful color palette. As discussed in the video seems that at any time will appear to the world, not everyone is willing to test such a piece of entertainment software in the form of racing car game called San Francisco Rush. And presumably this would, at some point in their development, proven by a beta tester ... maybe they forgot to test the beta testers. Care, extended mode displayed on the following video may cause bodily transmutations and worse such as sales.

Test PS3 Gran Turismo 5 For Playstation3

Test Of The Game: Gran Turismo 5

Never will a game generated so much turmoil, rumors, impatience, despair itself. Polyphony Digital , led by Kazunori Yamauchi , car enthusiast and a perfectionist to the extreme, tried to calm the rush of fans to blow demos like Gran Turismo HD (released in conjunction with the PlayStation 3), or Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. The videos and pictures also rocket, and the least we can say is that all this has whetted your mouth.

We no longer believed in the many reports of the release of the game have a lot to. But the wait is now over, it's there!

So the promises were they held? Do we have announced the masterpiece? The arrival of the damage on vehicles is it up to the expectations of fans? Let's go to the shop to see if Gran Turismo 5 takes the road as well as what Kaz suggested.

What Ben is just a car game, right?

Your family often had to make that point you to your excitement for this game even they must be relieved it is finally released. Indeed, how many of you have avenged driving their own cars, starting with a bang at the red light, by pasting the vehicle in front to find the desire to pass him on a fast track limited to 90, or by taking turns at the rope in the city while missing the dog to mow the poor granny who hoped that you would leave quietly cross the road?

Now that your points on your license has melted, you will be able express your talent of experienced driver on your screen, without risk to pedestrians.

But before discovering all Gran Turismo 5 in detail, little wake-up call about the history of the saga. Of course, I does not question your gaming culture, but we may be players who formerly hermits and only now discovering the joys of modern life (reality TV, politics, fast food and other pleasures). While hermits friends or curious of all kinds, especially the suite is for you.

Gran Turismo appears for the first time in December 1997 in Japan and in May 1998 in the world of PlayStation. It calls itself "The Real Driving Simulator" - The Realistic Driving Simulator.

At the time, it is the effect of a bombshell. Indeed, with a few car games more than the behavior or the wacky graphics unbearable for anyone with vision and a minimum of good taste, fans had little speed to put in their mouths , except perhaps in the Sega Rally arcade, but unless you are from a family of showmen, difficult to have an arcade as often as desired.

The game of Polyphony Digital, a unit of Sony, upsetting all the codes with a level of realism never seen before. The number of cars is astronomical, the circuits a little less, but everything is there for the player to feel overwhelmed: as in real life, you have to spend a few tests to get his first license, allowing us to move the heat rubber on the track.

Tests won then allow you to increase the capacity of your vehicle giving you the opportunity to get their hands dirty: almost everything can be changed, tires, exhaust system, through the frame of the car, since you had the ability to lighten even more and gain a few microseconds, often synonymous with victory in the face of tough opponents fairly.

The sensations of speed, the beauty of the game (certainly beyond today ' Today, but actually over the lot for the time), the vast range of vehicles available and especially realism pushed to the extreme of Gran Turismo have more than just a car game: a reference.

PlayStation 3 gamers were able to calm their impatience with Gran Turismo HD Concept, free demo released in conjunction with the console in March 2007. This appetizer was both tantalizing and frustrating: one circuit available, but of great beauty (one plot in the Swiss Alps, looking like a postcard), twenty playable vehicles and only two modes of play, but s With regard to a demonstration, it is true that we did not expect more content. This album marks the arrival of the Ferrari license, is significant.A year later, in March 2008, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue arrives in Europe. This was a big bet on the palate, midway between the demo and the full game, better off in terms of circuits, and test cars.

Since then, rumors have continued to about the new influx accompanying Gran Turismo 5: NASCAR license, a Premium range of vehicles, a multiplayer mode, a cockpit view, a track editor, day-night transition, changing climatic conditions, especially damage body.

By car, siphon

Santa Gran Turismo 5 arrives with a heavy hood that looks good at first glance: 1031 vehicles, no less! That's the gift! The eyes are amazed at such a plethora of mechanical monsters! For cons, the nose is not the same opinion as his two top henchmen: he feels the scam!

And think about it, actually, there is heated in the hood: only about 200 cars are actually new. The rest comes from the older versions of the saga, and for the transition to high definition, they were not even made up like stolen cars (sorry, I had the place, the opportunity was too good) but hardly smoothed. And to top it off, they are deprived of the new cockpit view and damage, the range reserved for Premium.

Another black: Standard full range is listed in the "Opportunities", then it will peel a rather austere list to find your happiness, instead of going directly to the dealer. Frustrating, especially since vehicles will not all be available from the start.

But the presence of two superstars of supercars, Ferrari and Lamborghini, who last tread channels Gran Turismo, (even if the prancing horse brand has made a small appearance in the Prologue version), will be enough to overshadow this classification quite confusing.

And it is necessary to emphasize that the work done on vehicles Premium is a breathtaking quality. Everything is there, counter to the faithful to the original gear knob, to the onboard computer Bluffing. It lacks the small tree in smelly mirror! Sure, see the volume controls the radio will not be of much use at full speed, but able to read the information about the tire or the gas gauge will be essential if you want to end up in head.

You will go to the preparer to inflate the capabilities of your car. For this, a wide range of improvements available to you. This aspect of the game does not have great news for the regulars, one remains in the very classic.

Note also small as the new kart racing or Combi Volkswagen among others, but this does not constitute a revolution, given the very limited number of races where they are used.

Your penalty will not be huge

the damage body have long been demanded by fans of the game Polyphony Digital includes the last in this edition, but it will probably not meet expectations: indeed, only the Premium is concerned by this innovation, for other vehicles will require ironing.

So will you be able to fly your car to pieces or to drop the bumper of your competitors?

Not really. Even far away, indeed. The only damage you'll be limited to scratches or small dents in the bodywork. Certainly, fans of Gran Turismo are not looking for a game in the tradition of Destruction Derby or Need for Speed, but they clearly expected a more dramatic result, more realistic. The "Real Driving Simulator" is ultimately not as real as what we expected.

The realism of the title is also initiated by the behavior of your opponents: they all follow the same route, grouped in a bunch too homogeneous, and will not hesitate to crush the slightest impact. Rather confusing, even if Polyphony has accustomed us to this AI too good since the first episode. The most beautiful car games? Thing predictable from the quality of the videos before the release of the game, Gran Turismo 5 is splendid, even very photo-realistic. Reflections on the body are always impressive, the bitumen is perfectly modeled, and the sets look like anything but virtual. Only the audience will put the red flag to the neophyte believing watch a real race car, as their behavior fanatic excited but partially paralyzed (terrible disease, do not smile) will be suspect. Deception also in standard vehicles, on which be noted that the work done was much less intense than the Premium. The trained eye will immediately see the aliasing on the bodies of cars, and no need to be expert in the field only to find that the shadows are anything but natural: the aliasing which defines the contours of the latter is completely unworthy of a title while focusing on realism. We consoled with the day-night transitions perfectly transcribed or climate change. All this is new to those who have known that this simulation automobile, and those who have tasted a title such as Formula One will be at once that rain is far from achieving the level of quality that the PlayStation 3 is able to provide: the drops entering the windshield are more aspects of the water mist.

This leaves a sense of unfinished business, and one wonders how the end was put to good use the extra time granted Polyphony Digital has always delaying their flagship title. They have, perhaps against their will, set the bar high, very high, and even if Gran Turismo 5 is far removed from being ugly, was expected perfection. Of course, it does not exist, but by dint of having promised, and it was well expected. Let the GPS in the glove box, I know the road side channels; the list goes on first glance: they reach the jubilant number of 71. But the euphoria was short-lived: many are just variations on a main route, sometimes backwards, sometimes slightly modified. And do not expect to survey 71 tracks completely unprecedented: many are from previous versions of Gran Turismo .

Nonetheless recognize that the circuits in the city are amazing, so much so that we sometimes want to park on the down side to admire the sun setting on a dreamlike setting.

Also new, but aimed at a discerning public: the presence of Nascar, racing competitors who see compete on oval tracks with crazy Americans, and the circuit using test track in Stig , highly skilled driver officiating in a British TV show considered the best in the world auto show: Top Gear .

The most inventive of you could barely wait to the idea of creating their own path through the track editor, but disillusioned rapidly since the freedom offered by this mode is as great as that afforded by a North Korean dictator to independent journalists. Only the number of servings, climate, time and direction of flow is adjustable. On portions, you will have a choice of windings rather limited. Enough damage, the idea was good.

Warranty of 3 months or 1 million miles

the life of Gran Turismo 5 will only depend on yourself : either you get tired after a few months to release permits that do not ultimately of great interest to the pleasure game, if not learn the basics of driving novices, or your addiction will be huge and you will not go out of your console only for the next volume of the saga.

Paradoxical when we see the number of events or championships available. But unless you are fanatical, walking the same channels dozens of times, even with different vehicles every time, in order to glean some unfortunate hundredths of a second to win the first place can be boring after a while.

Apart from the Arcade mode and mulit-player, in the classic career mode, dubbed by GT-Life, two types of game are present: A-Spec and B-Spec. The first one will be used by those who want to exercise their driving skills, while the second mode will put you in the shoes of a team manager. Do not expect something very engaging and addictive, since you just give orders (to the very limited number) for the race for your driver. Nothing is enjoyable, but effective to gain credits quickly and easily.

Rally mode, that showcases the skids, is, as usual in Gran Turismo, unrealistic, even if the tracks are perfectly reproduced. While this is not the primary purpose of the game, but finally we would have liked to live sensation closer to reality. Small consolation: ou can challenge Sébastien Loeb in a proof more difficult.

A level system is emerging in the fifth episode. As to the races and events permit, you will earn points, necessary to the next level. This will unlock access to certain permits or championships, but not limited to: many vehicles will be impossible to buy without having reached a certain stage. Credits, currency used in Gran Turismo, will no longer suffice.

If you really want to increase the life span, and if you can afford (the real ones, not those of the game!) will permit, be equipped with a steering wheel will give you the impression that you do not play the same game. The driving experience it has multifaceted, and how to drive is completely different. One feels here the effects of collaboration with Sebastian Vettel: youngest F1 champion in history served as tester and guinea pig to the team of Kazunori Yamauchi.

And if by chance you are part of the circle of friends of a certain lady of advanced age at the head of a cosmetics empire a little senile, take advantage of his generosity in addition to adding a 3D display to your equipment player. With all that, you may not take off your head (for that matter, make the most of all because the poor lady cannot say no!). This is where it is fully realized that Polyphony Digital has the package to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Unfortunately, this requires a substantial budget if you want to take to a professional pilot.

The on-line mode, up to 16 players, increases service life and offers the opportunity to rub shoulders with opponents from around the world. Attendance at shows is high, but access is not easy: it is quickly lost to a few intuitive menu, and some bugs are to be deplored for the time being. Hopefully an update will fix it all soon.

After years of waiting, to scan past all the videos and images flooding the fabric of the game, Gran Turismo 5 arrives in concession with its share of good and bad surprises. It is probably the best racing simulator now, although some disappointments, such as management of the damage, just fill in the table. If you love beautiful things, stunning graphics, and devilish face competition pilots from around the world, it is well worth a visit: for the price of a tank of gas, you will offer over 1000 vehicles.


  • No more waiting, it's finally here!
  • Beautiful graphics, cool locations of fleet
  • Ferrari and Lamborghini!
  • Perfectly reproduced cockpit view for the Premium
  • Multi-player busy
  • Life unlimited
  • Number of events and tours


Aliasing on shadows and standard vehicles Fashion Rally Kart or unrealistic Management very limited damage cars Standard little developed, or to oblivion in the "occasions" Too many Japanese cars (or not enough cars Western at you) may be redundant for novices

Red Bull Formula Face Game Formula 1 Online With Facial Control

Red Bull has launched an online game in which control of Formula 1 cars only mimic face. You just need an internet connection and a webcam.

Red Bull has launched the first racing game that can only be accessed on the Internet which is controlled exclusively by facial control.

All you have to do to play Red Bull Formula is connect a webcam to the game, choose your favorite character and personalize it with your own picture. Subsequently, choose Formula 1 car, NASCAR or racing that you want to compete and position on the grid.

To maneuver the car on the track just tilt your head left or right, and if you get TurboBoost blink. The objective is to accumulate as many points depending on your style of driving and to overcome your rivals can turn to various extra facilities that offer more speed (a wing) or slow its opponents (and glue scissors stop them). Finally, you can distribute to your friends’ network Facebook photos with your facial expressions in the game.

"For the first time, you can control a game without special equipment or a console controller. All you need is your face and gestures normal, everything is related to social networking" Said Stefan Becker at Buzzin Monkey Company that developed the game for Red Bull.

It has already been tried and Sebastian Vettel can be accessed at Red Bull Formula. To play, you need plug-in Adobe Shockwave.

Codemasters Is Preparing A Free Car Game With Formula 1 (F1)

F1 Online: The Game is a Free car game with Formula 1 (F1), offered users free-to-play system.

Once completed, the game of the Codemasters promises to deliver an immersive experience in the world of Formula-user access directly from the web browser interface.

Formula 1 (F1) Online: The Game wants to be a car racing game in the whole power of the word; the participants will compete in teams, taking the role of pilot or just the leader, managing the team I lead.

We can take part in Grand Prix sessions individual competing against other online players online, or we can join in Formula One World Championship. For a complete game experience will not miss any qualifying session, practice, and other tests carried out against time.

The list of available locations can be found including famous names such as circuit Silverstone Or at the Monaco, Modeled closely on the maps prepared for commercial release F1 2011.

Given that we are dealing with a free, accessible directly from the web browser interface, we cannot have too high demands on engine performance graph. Judging from these first images of presentation graphics quality seems to be at least a reasonable level. I just hope we can say the same about system requirements, the manufacturer still unannounced Codemasters.

F1 Online: The Game will be released early next year.

Formula 1 2011 - Codemasters Strikes Again

Two years ago, Codemasters Formula purchased license 1, Thinking to make annual games dedicated lovers of the sport motor. Said and done: last year released Formula January 2010 a way that reproduces faithfully season in F1. Of course, wherever there room for improvement, many improvement for plotting English this year's edition of the game - Formula 1 2011.

To including KERS systems and DRS and grinding elements related to behind the sports Formula 1 2011 will include absolutely all teams and drivers current edition of World Cup F1, INCLUDING the Sebastian Vettel Leader general ranking of pilots and reigning champion in 2010. Also F1 2011 will mark the beginning of a game video India's new Grand Prix, And return of the legendary German Grand Prix circuit Nürburgring.

F1 2011 is in production in studio Birmingham of those of Codemasters, graphics engine EGO (GRID, DiRTF1 2010) was used for this title. The game will be released on September 23 in edition for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Formula 1 2011 Debut Screenshots

Driver: San Francisco Presents An Attractive Launch Trailer

Driver: San Francisco back in style with a review of the classic driving game. To celebrate, the Ubisoft have prepared this video to serve as a presentation for the clueless that have not yet learned that Tanner returns to comb the streets.

His return was accompanied by the same amount of enthusiasm to skepticism. It is not the first time a saga returns to crash into the walls of a Next-Gen too tanned in slogans like 'The final return. “It is not the case. Tanner comeback and manages to convey the same intensity and excitement behind the wheel.

In the video you can see part of the essence. Return the protagonist and his obsession with hunting down his enemies, in this case, Jericho. A terrible accident starts a priori, bizarre story, then get into an improved gameplay, drinking directly from the great Driver.

Persecutions, trials and speed ramps jumps back to Driver: San Francisco to welcome us and reconcile with the popular saga. The video is also an example of the dramatic and cinematic find his script, which dyes halfway between the police thriller genre and serves as an excellent vehicle to offer the most entertaining titles of the year.

Without further excitement, let you enjoy a trailer that will hopefully serve apparatus convince nonbelievers. Driver is back and it would be a shame to miss it.

Game Review: Driver – San Francisco (PC)


After time between trips to smartphones and the PlayStation Portable is an undercover cop John Tanner reports after seven years of abstinence with Driver - San Francisco on the next-gen consoles and the PC back. While the game continues the story of the previous parts, linked Driver - San Francisco playful again with the first title in the series. On the stairs is shot, and therefore no more, Driver - San Francisco, according to the deviation of part two and three again a thoroughbred racing game.

John Tanner has it on his return to San Francisco, which was already the scene of the debut title of the series, brought his opponent out of the two "major" predecessors. In the fight against Charles Jericho, in the Driver - San Francisco is told largely in the form of flashbacks, the comatose protagonist, receives support from Tobias Jones, Tanner.

For the first time in the history of the series is Driver - San Francisco with a broad license package and boasts over 120 real car models from different manufacturers. Also new is the so-called Shift feature, enabling the players in the cockpits of nearby vehicles and take over their management can be. This function is also returned in the multiplayer mode, a central role. On the 250 km navigable virtual asphalt Driver - San Francisco so should be a lot going on.

Facts and figures that have gripped our radar: 

The release date is already fixed: As of 9/29/2011 should the PC edition of Driver - San Francisco will be gambled. Could we have 1388 messages to the new PC version.

Anyone who wants to learn one on optics, the offer is on the 43 screenshots, related to the PC version of the game available. Until now we have already made ten videos in the appropriate section available.

The users are not always as complete agreement, but experts have pronounced their verdict: In terms of "trade press against PC game" The jury has chosen 18 different testers: 76% fun! For the PC version of the title Driver - San Francisco, many portals are interested - here are the most important reviewers: total video games, IGN UK, Strategy Informer, CVG,, Vandal Online,,, ,,,,, questioning zone,,, and online worlds.

Who plays the PC version of Driver - San Francisco gets a good impression of the capabilities of the developers of Ubisoft. Ubisoft has been achieved with 91 publications in the PC sector an average rating of 71.1%.

Ubisoft will handle the sale and everything related to it. You should meet the criteria "12" before you get befriends with the PC version of Driver - San Francisco.

To conclude: The Special Edition Driver - San Francisco - Collector's Edition is a new edition of Driver - San Francisco for PC.


"Driver - San Francisco" is the sequel to the game title "Driver - Parallel Lines." The PC version is scheduled for release on 29/09/2011. For this game there is a special edition called "Driver - San Francisco - Collector's Edition". The PC racing game from developer Ubisoft demonstrated the 1425th Place in the PC-Top list.


"Driver - San Francisco" is also provided to upper-racing game genres with the following terms were: street racing, action.

'Grand Theft Auto' Now Available At Mac App Store As Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy

Rockstar has confirmed that deliveries of 'Grand Theft Auto III', 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City' and 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' have come to the Mac app in August as Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy, starting with the GTA III 'from the past few weeks. All of the titles are together and are available for $39.95.

The series 'Grand Theft Auto' is one of the most iconic in the world of videogames. Rockstar has managed to overcome in each delivery, in the spirit of the series, but adding new features with each release. Violence, exciting gameplay and stories are some of the hallmarks of this series of car games.

The 'Grand Theft Auto III "was published in 2001. The title broke with the gameplay of the series and presented for the first time a 3D design and gameplay never before. Players PlayStation 2 and later the PC was the first to enjoy the title, but not be the last.

Rockstar offers Mac users the third installment of his best-known saga. Users can now download the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy ('Grand Theft Auto III', 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City' and 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas') for $39.95 through the Mac App Store.

'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City' is perhaps the most popular saga car games. In this release users will find a huge city where you will have to survive in the midst of a fight gangs and mafia dominate the drug market. This release is also available on the App Store for Apple Mac users can also acquire it for $39.95 in trilogy pack.

The last game of the series coming to the app store is the 'GTA: San Andreas', a title published in 2004 and stars the famous 'CJ'. This release is also very popular and from September 1 Mac users can enjoy downloads directly from the Mac App Store. The price of the all the games as Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy in single pack is $39.95.

For More Info visit:

- 'GTA 3' (

- GTA: Vice City '(

- 'GTA: San Andreas' (

Car Driving: Old Games

I cannot remember the exact title but I think it was related to driving, probably sounded like "Drive" or "driver", something like that. But I remember very well, however, fun for a game that was cutting edge technology for graphics and thinking about it now, almost puts a chill as well as a bit of nostalgia. But I admit that I much prefer GT5 on my PS3.

Car Driving is a game with an ancient flavor, which provides vehicles squared and landscapes from 1970, i.e. from pre-history information. The author's site is simple and shows directly what the characteristics of the game are and what led him to realize this project open source . If nothing else, we have something in common because he says he loves GranTurismo.

The objective of the project is still the study of 3D graphics, not to make a game of digging out the boxes shops in the industry. So the approach to development was more relevant to the functions that accompany the movement of objects than to the graphic design itself, although a propensity to play old style is declared.

There is not much documentation, but there are interesting prospects Java downloading this car game, for example you have an opportunity to create their own track, with its landscape and complete with all items made by ourselves. In fact they have an editor available to create objects, very similar to Autocad, although seen from a distance, and one for the realization of circuits.

I consider it a great hobby, even creatively, so I can only recommend it and give you the link to make it download . The software can be found on SourceForge.

Video Games That You Can Drive

"It's always warm when the scientists and the public would be wise of us to take technology video games and introduced to the real world." Garnet Hertz, and that's what people in the Concept Lab has been doing, taking the form of an arcade game cabinet car (Sega "Outrun" from the 80s) and add electrical vehicle real world.

Using reality technology, vehicle windshield, including "software" has been added and changed certain it into the world of 8-bit video games. They have brought out the car games like the original game and not focus on the experience of using a computer model of the world as a navigational tool to drive.

OutRun - Initial Proposal Slideshow

(Click on image controls above to advance. Select full-screen icon at bottom right of image.)

Courtesy: Concept Lab

Car Seat Video Game Playseat Limited Edition

If you like Car racing games this is your big chance, this chair for the big fans will remember the Racer GTX but with the difference that it costs 6 times less. The bad news is that Logitech, the brand that makes plans to take it out on the market in a very limited edition only 100 units, All in Japan. If you're a fan of racing car games over the pasta and I like to travel to the other end of the world, is planning a trip to Nippon lands worth it because you get hold of it.

The set includes also known as a peripheral G25. Or what is the same, the leather steering wheel; shifter and metal pedals also mark Logitech. Some accessories in itself and would cost about 300 Euros all by themselves. And one of the most acclaimed by the specialized media.

Well this is Throw in a seat worthy of any race car with all the peripherals installed as if it were a real car competition. You can adjust the distance of each of the controls, but does not look to be collapsible. In this section we do miss the ease of the other chairs Game Chairs for storage after use.

However, most surprising of all is undoubtedly its price. And so for an accessory less than 500 Euros is almost a win. Too bad that only 100 fortunate will enjoy this small wonder.

Book Your Order From Amazon Simply by clicking the link below:

Playseat World Rally Championship Gaming Seat

Children's Games Against Boredom On Road Trips

Great games for children against boredom on long car rides. What are simple and great car games are there?

Game ideas and instructions

Above all, children will get bored on long car rides. The question "Are we there yet?" Know (and fear), most adults not only on the long road trips. In today's time is then often resorted to electronic entertainment media, which can deal with the children. But it does not always have the Game Boy, video games or an iPod to be, finally, there are a number of games for car rides. Some of them might even know the adults from their own childhood.

"I am packing my suitcase" - classic game also works as a car game

The game "I am packing my suitcase," we know from children's birthdays or other celebrations. It can also play well in the car. The rules are simple. In a fixed order the players have to enumerate what they would put everything in a suitcase for a trip. It must first ever all be repeating what has been called already, before a new object may be added. Who does not know anything more, or makes a mistake in the order is out. Funny is also rounds, where the children can also put things in the imaginary case that otherwise do not belong there. This game also trains the brain.

Great game for car trips: a high number and low number

In this game the characteristics of other road users to be installed. It is particularly well suited for the highway. First, determine whether a high or low number wins. Then determines how long the game lasts. Five minutes is usually a good time. During this time, the players may each have a license plate number of an outdated or overtaking cars choose from whom they believe is particularly high or low. Each player may only choose one number. The winner is the one who had chosen to end the season the highest or lowest number.

Car registration rates is a popular game for younger children

When rates of car registration is about to guess the city or the circle, hiding behind the letters of a license plate. Also this game is more fun on the highway than on other roads, since the selection of number plates is greater. License plates may increase rates of children or even be played alone. If it is not clear is to what town or what circle a mark, a look into a road atlas to help.

A great story to tell

If several children on board can be great to spend time by a funny or interesting story is told. This begins a story by a teammate with a single sentence. The next player must then tell the story, but must also add one sentence. The game then goes on and on until the story is a good conclusion, the players are no longer in narrative mood or the car ride is over.